Human Ingenuity – Engineer Polymer Protects!
Humans are pretty good at ingenuity, and when it comes to siding for your home, humans have done a pretty good job creating products that both look nice, while protecting your home.
In the last few articles we covered siding made of stucco, Hardie, and various types of wood. In this article we will discuss some products that humans have engineered, both for looks and safety.
Engineered Polymer: Resistant to Insects & Elements
The latest technology on the current market is Engineered Polymer for siding and decking. This product is very durable and resistant to most elements, insects and spores.
Engineered Polymers are becoming more and more popular for siding homes, as it has many of the strengths of stucco and Hardie, but with a different look. Unlike stucco and Hardie, which are cement-based products, and are typically heavy, Engineered Polymer is lightweight and flexible.
The Science
These products you see are not quite “plastic” but a close relative. Engineered polymer is made of a very strong thermoplastic called Polyvinyl Chloride, which you may have heard called PVC or vinyl. Scientifically speaking, plastics and polymers are not exactly the same. You may think of it as all plastics are polymers but not all polymers are plastic.
In 1907, plastic, a specific type of polymer, was invented by Belgian Chemist Leo Baekeland. It is made up of long chains of polymers. While engineered polymers themselves are made up of uniform molecules that are much smaller than plastic molecules.
Also, you may also have heard the terms thrown around “composite” material versus engineered polymer or PVC material. The difference is that the engineered polymer product contains no organic material. Composite materials, conversely, are a mix of organic (e.g., wood) and inorganic (e.g.,plastic) products.
Pros and Cons
Engineered polymer is also produced to be resistant to insect damage, water damage, salt damage, and surface contaminants. Because of its make up, it is also fairly resistant to fire.
Currently Engineered Polymers are some of the priciest siding options on the market. Despite the big price tag, engineered polymers come with a 30-year or 50-year warranty while most other siding options don’t have any type of warranty. One drawback to Engineer Polymer is extreme sun exposure. With prolonged UV exposure, it sometimes begins to fade.
We hope that you enjoyed our three part series on siding! There is a lot to consider when it comes to selecting siding: the cost, desired amount of maintenance, elemental resilience, and look. Contact the siding experts at Rogall+Co and we will work with you to determine what siding is best for you.