Understand how Pressure Treated Wood is Made
When thinking of the word pressure, do you imagine pressure-packed situations such as, a last minute shot on the basketball court, taking a final exam, or the feeling you get when you run a bluff at your poker homegame? Others may think of pressure as the feeling you get when you pile a bunch of blankets on yourself during the dead of winter.
So, then, what about Pressure Treated Wood? When we hear about pressure treated wood, is this wood that won’t falter under the stressors of life?
Table of Contents
- Where’s The Wood?
- How is Pressure Treated Wood Made?
- Pros and Cons
Where’s The Wood?
The last time you journeyed to the beach and took a stroll on the pier, did you notice the little slits in the pier boards? Those slits aren’t just for looks, but more importantly contribute to the longevity, safety, and structural integrity of the pier.
Another place you’ll typically find pressure treated wood is on the underside of a deck. Why? Because this is where the wood comes in contact with the ground, giving it the alternative name “contact grade lumber.” These two terms refer to wood that has been specially prepared to be more resilient to insect damage, wood rot, and in some cases fire.
How is Pressure Treated Wood Made?
To make pressure treated wood, manufacturers pick a structural competent species of wood and soak it with preservatives designed to increase longevity of the wood. Douglas Fir, is one of the most common woods used for pressure treated wood.
Manufacturers first start by scoring the wood so that the wood is more absorbent for the liquid preservative, this step gives pressure treated wood the perforated look. While not all pressure treated wood has the perforated look, this is an easy way to identify pressure treated wood when walking around a neighborhood or in the lumber yard.
After the wood has been prepared to better absorb preservative liquid, it is sent into a pressure chamber. The chamber acts as a vacuum, and all air is sucked out of the wood.
Once all air has been removed from the chamber, the chamber is flooded with liquid preservative. As the chamber fills, the sides of the chamber slide inwards, pressing against the wood, forcing the preservative deeper into the wood grain.
Technicians vacuum out excess preservative from the chamber once the wood has soaked up enough preservative. The wood is allowed to dry for 24-48 hours, and then it is sent to the lumber yard.
Pros and Cons
Pressure treated wood has been used since the late 20th century to revolutionize building, and best of all – it is safe. This type of wood is far more resistant to termite damage, wood rot, and being considered contact grade lumber it is able to touch the dirt without experiencing as much damage as normal wood. The bottom line is that you will not have to replace this wood as often.
Pressure treated wood’s only drawback is cost, however with its use becoming a standard building practice, the price has dropped significantly, and is a viable option for homeowners.
Our Rogall + Co. technicians are very skilled working with pressure treated wood and recommend it for all of your outdoor projects. This choice will ultimately save you time and money.
Pressure treated wood may not be able to make that basketball shot or successfully run a bluff, but what it will do is extend the life of your deck, or other outdoor structure; that’s pretty clutch!