Glossary 101 – Technical Terms

A Abatron Abatron, founded in 1959, is a company that specializes in the manufacturing of epoxy compounds. Abatron makes products such as wood fillers, concrete patching systems, chemicals for industrial use, and adhesives. Rogall + Co. experts recommend Abatron wood fillers, wood epoxies, and wood hardeners for carpentry repair projects.   Acoustic Ceiling Also known…

How Much Does a New Deck Cost?

Looking to expand your living space? Understand exactly how much you may have to extend your wallet. On the Central Coast, improving your home may be costly, but that’s because you are paying for the luxury offered by the central coast – stunning ocean views, surrounded by rolling hills, and ideal weather all year round.…

An Innovative Paint Process Sweeps the Land: Part 1

Learn about processes R+CO follows to alleviate surprises, while lowering cost & time of delivery. Apple innovated the telephone by merging it with a mini-mobile computer in 2007; In 1930, Wonder innovated the bread market when it introduced sliced bread. Rogall + Co. is innovating the process of painting your house, with the “Diagnostic-First-Model” introduced…

Types of Siding

Whether you like the look of a wood house, colorful shingles, or a smooth stucco finish, the type of siding you put on your home makes a big difference in the amount of maintenance that is required. Here on the California Central Coast there are thousands of unique homes but understanding the fundamentals of the…

The Engineered Marvel: Hardie Board’s Creation

In the world of construction, some materials are like the silent heroes of a thriller movie, strong and dependable, without demanding the spotlight. Hardie Board is one such protagonist in the narrative of modern building materials. Its creation, much like the plot of a suspenseful novel, involves science, precision, and a bit of engineered magic.…

Stucco: A Crafted Blend of Cement, Sand, and Lime

Have you heard the phrase, “blending art and science”? Stucco is the embodiment of this phrase, as raw materials are transformed into the sturdy, versatile finish that homeowners admire. So how exactly is stucco made? Table of Contents Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Conclusion Step 1 Picture a blend of cement, sand,…

The Troublesome Tale of Wood: Cracks, Warps, and Woes

In the repertoire of home maintenance to-do items, wood takes center stage, often finding itself at risk of cracking, warping, and the nefarious dry rot. These three antagonists, though different in their methods, share a common stage and storyline, weaving a tale of intrigue and destruction. Cracking in wood occurs when wood loses moisture too…

The Alchemy of Engineered Polymers: A Tale of Molecules and Magic

In the world of home construction and design, engineered polymers stand as a testament to human ingenuity, a marvel where chemistry and creativity collide. This article dives into the molecular magic of these materials, unraveling the science behind their resilience and versatility. At the heart of engineered polymers is a story of molecular mingling. Polymers…

The Symphony of Species: Choosing the Right Wood for Exterior Trim

Exterior trim pieces are like the fine strings section, each wood species playing its own unique tune. Selecting the right wood species for exterior trim is not just a matter of aesthetics but also of performance and longevity. Let’s explore the diverse world of wood species, each with its unique characteristics and suitability for exterior…

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